The aim of this report is to investigate people's experience about online dating. Online dating has spread across almost all the developed countries of the world. Although online dating is used by many people, others still do not know how to use 19 Best Dating Sites in Germany [ Expat Guide] According to online dating industry estimates, more than 11 million users regularly visit dating websites – attracting ever more service providers to the hotly contested German market
(PDF) P a g e | 1 THE SURVEY REPORT OF " ONLINE DATING " | Francisco dos Reis - blogger.com
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Francisco dos Reis. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package This paper. A short summary of this paper. READ PAPER. Indeed, internet websites have changed their behaviors. It is true that in the past, communication was difficult because of the lack of communication tools; however, online dating survey report germany, today the lives of people have totally changed.
Online dating survey report germany to Intelligent Intelligent, online dating survey report germany,"The World Wide Web has dramatically increased the availability of electronically available information.
The fact is that a lot people like to communicate through the internet without face to face contacts. It also has opened the way for online dating. Many dating sites exist such as eHarmony, RSVP, Zoosk, Facebook and Twitter. While some people believe that online dating is the best way to meet someone, others claim that it has many drawbacks. This group intends to research the advantages and disadvantages of online dating. Thus, this survey report will explore people's awareness and attitude to online dating.
All respondents were from Embassy's teachers, students and Victoria Library in Melbourne. Moreover, our group also conducted document research online in order to support our findings. Currently, online dating survey report germany, online dating is very popular in the world.
As many people live in modern society, they do not want to find romantic partners face to face due to of the increased use of social networking. Perhaps, it is because human beings are busy during the day so they have to use online dating to look for their partner easily.
Apart from that, there are different types of online dating in which people use it based on number of users as well as reasons of using it. The numbers of people use online datingNowadays, many people online dating survey report germany accessing to online sites. In other words, it is going to be a growing part of people lives and relationships in the future.
In fact, it is something people do knowingly, as many online sites have growth such as Match. com, eHarmony and Zoosk or by chance meetings in forums or via email. Finding a significant other online is no longer the unusual accident it once was, it is becoming increasingly common and seems only intended to grow. According to Hawkinsthe Australian's production of online dating "grew by 5 per cent last online dating survey report germany and is expected to grow by a further 5 to 10 percent this year.
Perhaps, some people have no money or do not know about the existence and how to use online dating. As a result, the numbers of the users are absolutely rising because of the increasing of dating sites. The reason of online dating increasedTo explain about the rise of dating websites, the main thing has described clearly in the introduction which was stated by Intelligent Intelligent, that "The World Wide Web has dramatically increased the availability of electronically available information.
Moreover, according to online dating survey report germany statistic of the rise of users' social media in the past, there was a graph about the range of social media, as seen at the result below: The graph shows the significant numbers of people who used traditional of social media like TV and Radio which was 51 million; whereas the less of the number of people who used moderns' social media such as iPod, Twitter, Facebook, and Internet at about nearly 9 million Richter, This means that the number of users increased dramatically.
On the other hand, to compare with the statistics above a question in our survey was asked about what information source would be most likely to convince you to join an online dating site? This may indicate that people are rarely assisted with the social media's traditional today rather online dating survey report germany using internet and contact with friends.
As a result, it is clear that the modern sources can convince people to use online dating and then it will sharply increase the number of users.
PURPOSE OF PEOPLE USING ONLINE DATINGA lot of people think that online dating is only used by persons who cannot find a partner otherwise and consider it as a last method in dating such as a final and a venturesome attempt. Because of the derision that it is susceptible to some persons keep their online dating a secret but inconsiderately of who they are, online dating has a lot of benefits, especially for workaholics.
Hence why online dating survey report germany people use online dating sites? This figure 4 shows that a majority of respondents who said they use online dating to have a relationship whereas the least of them said that they use online since they are not good sociably.
Over a quarter of respondents who want to make friends during their time online. As a result, most respondents used online dating to have a relationship, there were no real differences between men and women with regard to the stated possible goals.
But for both sexes, the most frequently stated reason for online dating was to find a serious dating partner and to establish a lasting relationship. Online dating is that people can continue searching for interested men and women till they find a like-minded person for a date, online dating survey report germany. In real life, this may take several years or even a lifetime!
According to Catey"Online dating sites are a good way to meet your mate. In other words, shy people who don't like to go out get the chance to meet and to know others from all over the world. This in turn gives them more confidence to face and talk with people in "real" life. Consequently, according to Local Dating for Singles, n. d ," Online dating erases boundaries between nations and ethnicities and brings people from different cultures and backgrounds closer". It also helps you to reduce stress and other unnecessary pressures.
In fact, these sites contain information that people can read on their favorite news items. Also people online dating survey report germany play games during their time online.
Therefore, it's a part of the reason people use online networks. In addition, fourteen percent of respondents stated they use online dating to have sex because live sex cams are getting popular and people find these concepts interesting.
For this purpose, they can chat or date from their home and this is a time convenient to them. That means they work 8 hours or more than per day and they do not have much of a social life, online dating services will help them connecting with potential partners who you probably would not meet otherwise.
In general, online dating can bring some benefits for the daters but some people abuse it such as sex by webcam and when they chat with a women or men, they usually mention to talk sex. We think that it is not moral. Also, online dating survey report germany, that people thought that online dating is a tool to find somebody for a casual relationship without obligation.
According to Gappy, ,"Sex is not love and love is not sex, the expressing a sexual interest does not equal to dangling the prospect of a relationship on online dating". Consequently, it is unsafe for people using online dating. As we know, online dating survey report germany, in real-world dating, the participants actually experience things together because they interact naturally, converse and get to know each other. People can tell whether there's real chemistry, real potential for a future by sharing experiences.
Indeed, has anybody tried dating online? If they have, did they have a good experience, or any success with it? For instance, one of respondents said that "When they connected with their partner, they had a plan to meeting but their partner didn't come".
Others said that "They agreed to have an offline dating with the partner because he looked really hot in all of his profile photos. He was tall, had a nice dark hair and a cute baby face. His profile said that he was However, when he walked into the restaurant it was clear that the photo he had used was at least 5 years old. On the other hand, just nearly thirty percent of them answered they had a good experience with online dating because they met people who had online dating survey report germany strong connection in life.
Therefore they had a good friendship as well as a good relationship from online. This indicated that the percentage of respondents who had a bad experience was still higher than the percentages of people who had a good experience.
In fact, I strongly think that online dating just is the way to make new friends easily, but to have a good experience that is hard. Because the users cannot know to each other and the people are not being particularly honest who they are, online dating survey report germany.
PROBLEMS THAT PEOPLE FACE MOST ON ONLINE DATINGIf people try spending more online dating survey report germany an hour a day on these dating sites, they will have a problem and they need to go out into the real world and work on some real life attraction skills. While people agree that internet dating has some good parts, there are some reasons why people shouldn't take it too seriously and why real life dating is a better option.
Figure 6. In other words, people can lie about who they are. Behind a computer, anyone could take on any identity they choose such as false names, false pictures and false personals. Online dating is dangerous because everyone has access to a computer. For example, when meeting a girl who you've been chatting online, you should be ready for her to be "different" than her picture and it would be wise to lower what you are looking for accordingly. Also many men dating online lie about their age because they are perpetually chasing younger women.
Men who are 45 years old will say they're 39; men who are 55 years old will say they're In fact, according to Jeff Hancock"Most people believe that given the opportunity, everything else equal, people will lie more online than they would face to face" Secondly, online dating can be thought of as a waste of money.
Because some user spent a lot of money per month to go online, they never get any messages. Some get too many messages. Some meet only unusual people.
Online dating survey report germany never get past the first date. Some never get any dates.
• Online revenue for Dating Services in Germany | Statista

· According to the Digital Market Outlook, the online revenue of the eServices Dating Services segment Casual Dating in Germany is expected to be million U.S. dollars in An According to online dating industry estimates, more than 11 million users regularly visit dating websites – attracting ever more service providers to the hotly contested German market The aim of this report is to investigate people's experience about online dating. Online dating has spread across almost all the developed countries of the world. Although online dating is used by many people, others still do not know how to use
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